The common denominator of success - The secret of success of every person who has ever been successful, lies in the fact that he/she formed the habit of doing things that failures don't like to do.
I have just started a new video series on how to create better habits, here is the first video in the series
How much permission do you give yourself when you set your money goals?
When I ask people about their money goals it's clear to me, most people are setting goals on what they think they can have, not what they actually want.
It sounds something like - "I would like to have this, but I can get by with this much instead"
What kind of message is that, that you are sending out to the Universe??
You are not even giving yourself the permission to set the GOAL that you really want!
You can't really blame yourself though, it's the society that we live in. We are taught and conditioned at a young age to dim down, make ourselves small and not create waves and that means often we won't take full ownership of what we truly want.
So, we talk ourselves out of actually naming, or going after, what we really want.
Is this a habit you've noticed yourself in? Do you actually want to create a certain level of income and wealth but then not even allow yourself to go for it?
Money mastery is more than just understanding money, it's looking at the relationship, the stories and the money ceiling you've placed over your head. A successful, thriving, abundant business requires this full mastery from you - including naming and getting comfortable with the financial results you want to create.
I've created a program How to Tame your Monkey Mind and in this program we uncover your money blocks. I teach you how to find them and then let them go so that you can replace these beliefs with ones that will serve you better so that you can start earning more money.
You know, it is easier to adjust ourselves to the hardships of a poor living that it is to adjust ourselves to the hardships of making a better one. If you doubt me, just think of all the things you are willing to go without in order to avoid doing the things you don't like to do.
Your future is determined by what you actually do today. So if you are ready for a change and would like some help getting started, then this program may be just what you are looking for.
Did you know that studies at Harvard Medical School have revealed that by stimulating the body's meridian points you can significantly reduce the production of cortisol?
Your amygdala (in your brain) is your personal alarm system. When you experience trauma, fear or stress this gets triggered and your body is flooded with cortisol.
Your body does need some cortisol at times, but if you are constantly stressed out, your body will make too much and that can cause all kinds of problems. Our body's always need to be in balance, too much or too little of anything can disrupt all our systems.
Even Dr. Oz says that Energy Medicine is the future of all medicine. And these types of studies help us to understand how energy influences how we feel.
Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT or simply “Tapping,” has been clinically proven to provide relief from stress, anxiety, chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, fears & phobias, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and so many other conditions.
If you would like to learn more about this, there is a free Virtual Online Event coming up on February 26 and will be presented by The Tapping Solution expert, Nick Ortner, and hosted by his sister Jessica Ortner.
The Tenth Annual Tapping World Summit 2018 - Free Online Event.
My mission is to help others learn how to BioHack their aging code.
BioHacking means to take control of a complex system (your own biology) to achieve a desired result.
What result do you desire? A longer healthier life, financial freedom or maybe eliminate your self limiting beliefs?
Consultations are free. Contact me to see what I can do for you.