Carpenter Ant Control Information


Carpenter ants are one of the most valuable insects we have on earth. They chew up tons of wood and turn it into fine sawdust that rots and provides compost for the new growth. Because they enter man-made structures they are considered the most destructive common insect pest we have in Canada.

There are two common species of carpenter ants found in Canada. (There are others)

  1. Modoc: All Black
  2. Vicinus: Blackhead, rusty red thorax, and black abdomen.

Most carpenter ant species have other similar characteristics.

More Information and Tips on Carpenter Ants Control:

  • Often mistaken for termites
  • Most valuable insect on earth - they chew tons of wood which turns into fine sawdust that rots providing compost for new growth
  • Most destructive common insect pest in Canada when they enter and damage man-made structures
  • Most common species in our area are the Modoc (all black) and Vicinus (black head and abdomen with a rusty red thorax
  • Winged females can be 20 - 25 mm in length
  • Workers average 6.5 - 13 mm length
  • Have 6 legs, a pair of antennae and large mandibles that open like a pair of scissors
  • A mature nest may have 3000 ants
  • Can travel more than 300 feet from the nest
  • May infest decks, roofs, walls, ceilings, beams, attics and insulation
  • When infestation is interior, both interior (all cracks and crevices) and exterior foundation are treated.  We recommend the exterior be treated the following year and possible yearly if carpenter ants are a problem in the area
  • If an Interior treatment is required, all people and pets must vacate the premises for 4 - 6 hours
  • If exterior only, we recommend the exterior be treated again the following year and possible yearly if carpenter ants are a problem in the area
  • Prefer damp or partially rotted wood
  • Keep wood piles away from the house
  • Keep downspouts clear and free from debris
  • Trim overhanging branches
  • Clean up wood debris
  • Be vigilant taking wood into the house


Date Added 2015-03-31
Product Id 10276731