DSM Electric in Phelpston
On July 12 at 8:44 AM
Be safe and hire a qualified electrician. The poor mouse didn't make it and neither will you if you hire an unqualified person who would replace proper fuses with pieces of iron pipe. I cannot stress enough how dangerous this kind work is to your home and family. When doing renovations, hire a qualified electrician. Hiring "Joe Blow Handyman Services" or your buddy down the street to do electrical work on your home will be putting your family in danger.

DSM Electric in Phelpston
On June 23 at 3:49 PM
Getting some IT help from my friend Kelly Kramer, from ShopWasaga.com, at the Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce today. 

DSM Electric in Phelpston
On June 16 at 9:28 AM
DSM Electric updated their profile page in the Business Directory

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